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About Eryk Giovanni

Eryk Giovanni is currently a full-time scholarship student at New York University (NYU) living in Downtown Manhattan. He is majoring in Vocal Performance and minoring in Business with an emphasis of Entertainment, Media, and Technology. Eryk is taking an influx of classes relating to performing in front of audiences including vocal/singing technique, acting, scene/script analysis, diction/dialect, and dance. Additionally, Eryk takes business classes at NYU relating to entertainment managing, financing, law, leadership, producing, and marketing. Before NYU, Eryk Giovanni was a military child growing up living and traveling in several countries all over the globe including Italy, Germany, the US, Japan, and more. Eryk is also an Eagle Scout, the most prestigious award one can earn in Boy Scouts. To earn his Eagle Scout, Eryk had to exemplify and exhibit a multitude of charastertisics of leadership, communication, team-building, and perseverance through a variety of fields of study and a major community service project where Eryk created and coordinated a large scale food drive equating to a donation of an estimated 1,000 meals to his local food bank. Eryk accomplished all of this while attending two high schools simultaneously, finishing high school with 3 diplomas. He attended the esteemed International Baccalaureate Program (IB) and the prestigious Governor’s School for the Arts, a gifted performing arts conservatory-style high school where Eryk studied vocal performance, opera, musical theater, acting, and some modeling experience. Eryk Giovanni has an extensive career in performing as he has performed in numerous productions with several organizations such as the Virginia Symphony Orchestra, the Virginia Children’s Chorus, the Tampa Bay Children’s Chorus, the Florida Orchestra, the Governor’s School for the Arts, and performing at venues such as Carnegie Hall and much more, all before the age of 18. Through Eryk Giovanni’s life journey, he has discovered that he is very interested in pursuing a career in modeling and performing as well as their essential business structure.

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”

― Oprah Winfrey

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